Full Slate uses a 9 inning format - plus 4 extra innings - to decide who wins each game.
Runs are scored or subtracted according to the point-value system.
Offensive stats score runs for your team, pitching stats subtract runs from your opponent, and, defensive stats add or subtract according to their value.
Inning #1 - RP = RUN PRODUCTION = (Runs + Runs Batted In) - Home Runs
Team total 38 - 44 scores 1 run for your team
45 - 51 " 2 runs " "
52 - 58 " 3 runs " "
59 - 65 " 4 runs " "
66 - 72 " 5 runs " "
73 + " 6 runs " "
Inning #2 - BR = BASE RUNNING = (Stolen Bases - Caught Stealing)
Team total 3 - 5 scores 1 run for your team
6 - 8 " 2 runs " "
9 + " 3 runs " "
Inning #3 - SL = SLUGGING = (Doubles x 2) + (Triples x 3) + (Home Runs x 4)
Team total 40 - 48 scores 1 run for your team
49 - 56 " 2 runs " "
57 - 63 " 3 runs " "
64 - 69 " 4 runs " "
70 + " 5 runs " "
Inning #4 - BA = BATTING AVERAGE = (Hits / At Bats)
Team average .250 - .269 scores 1 run for your team
.270 - .284 " 2 runs " "
.285 - .299 " 3 runs " "
.300 - .314 " 4 runs " "
.315 - .329 " 5 runs " "
.329 + " 6 runs " "
Inning #5 - DE = DEFENSE = (Errors)
Team total 0 subtracts 1 run from opponent
1 scores 0 runs for opponent
2 - 4 " 1 run " "
5 - 7 " 2 runs " "
8 + " 3 runs " "
Inning #6 - BRA = BASE RUNNERS ALLOWED = [(Hits + Walks) x 9] / Innings Pitched
Team average 0.00 - 5.99 subtracts 5 runs from opponent
6.00 - 7.99 " 4 runs " "
8.00 - 9.99 " 3 runs " "
10.00 - 11.99 " 2 runs " "
12.00 - 13.99 " 1 run " "
Inning #7 - PC = PITCHERS CONTROL = (Strike Outs / Walks)
Team total - 0.99 scores 1 run for opponent
0.00 - 1.33 subtracts 0 runs from opponent
1.34 - 2.66 " 1 run " "
2.67 - 3.99 " 2 runs " "
4.00 + " 3 runs " "
Inning #8 - ERA = EARNED RUN AVERAGE = (Earned Runs x 9) / Innings Pitched
Team average 0.00 - 0.75 subtracts 6 runs from opponent
0.76 - 1.50 " 5 runs " "
1.51 - 2.25 " 4 runs " "
2.26 - 3.00 " 3 runs " "
3.01 - 3.75 " 2 runs " "
3.76 - 4.50 " 1 run " "
Inning #9 - PE = PITCH EFFECTIVENESS = (Wins + Complete Games + Saves) - Losses
Team total 2 - 3 subtracts 1 run from opponent
4 - 5 " 2 runs " "
6 - 7 " 3 runs " "
8 + " 4 runs " "
Inning #10 - SH = SHUT-OUTS
Team with most Shut-Outs subtracts 1 run from opponent.
Inning #11 - HR = HOME RUNS
Team with most Home Runs scores 1 run.
Inning #12 - NS = NO SHOWS
Team with most No Shows subtracts 1 run from their own score.
Inning #13 - OBA = ON BASE AVERAGE
Team with highest On Base Average scores 1 run.
As line runs are totaled, should a team end up with a negative total, 1 run at a time will be added to both teams until the negative total reaches zero.
TM 1 54 1 64 .297 1 8.10 8.0 2.54 3 0 6 0 .38345
TM 2 50 3 59 .272 0 10.29 2.7 1.92 1 0 7 1 .32279
TM 1 3 0 4 3 1- 2- 2- 4- 0 3
TM 2 2 1 3 2 0 3- 3- 3- 1- 0
No-Show Penalties:
During the season, injuries and rainouts can prevent position players from generating enough game appearances to fill the 7 game schedule. When this occurs, the line - NO SHOW - will appear at that position in your boxscore. Full Slate does not assess "no-show" penalty stats for hitters, provided you carry a backup at every infield position as well as 6 outfielders. It is penalty enough not to have any stats being generated at that position.
In the case of pitchers, however, the absence of stats could actually enhance the line score. Therefore we add these "No Show" stat penalties:
SP's - 5 IP 7 Hits 4 ER 3 BB 1 SO
RP's - 2 IP 2 Hits 2 ER 2 BB 0 SO
No-Backup Penalties:
No-Backup penalties occur when you do not carry a #2 (or reserve player) at any of the Infield positions, and your starter does not play enough games to fill the schedule. When this occurs, your team will be assessed (NO BACKUP) penalty stats:
Hitting: 15 - At Bats & 2 Errors
Pitching: 3 - Earned Runs & 1 Loss
Owners are required to carry a minimum of 6 OF's (or 5 OF's with a DH-only hitter) as well as 6 SP's and 6 RP's; and may carry no more than the maximum of 9 active OF's, SP’s or RP’s.